The Web Design Survival Guide

Part 2 | Adobe Dreamweaver CC

3. HTML Structure

In this section we will examine coding HTML in Adobe Dreamweaver and examine common HTML structure and HTML5 code semantics. Dreamweaver provides many helpful modern code writing and code editing features including robust code hinting, emmet short code support, code snippet libraries and a visual DOM (Document Object Model) panel.

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HTML Structure
HTML code defines the structure of Web page content to Internet browsers. HTML5 introduced common semantic elements that make it easier to read HTML. Novice Web designers should practice writing and structuring semantic HTML5 to begin developing coding skills.

The following video tutorial introduces beginners to coding basic HTML structure with Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2019 running in macOS. It covers basic HTML syntax and structure, common HTML5 semantic elements, code hinting, Emmet short code, the DOM (Document Object Model) panel.

Below is a link to a .zip file for the practice files used in the video:
